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i didnt mean to kill it by homicidal hecate on Deviantart |
dengan nama Allah aku mulai.
Alhamdulillah, segala puji hanyalah untukNya, yg memerintah apa yg dilangit dan yg dibumi. Dia itu yakni Allah, Tuhan sekelian alam.
Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar.
my first eid mubarak here just awesome.
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Raining fireworks by couleur on Deviantart |
[mlm raya]
semua housemates aku sibuk kemaskan rumah, tp ade jugak yg tido! HAKHAK :P
aku n abg aku beraksi di tempat yg tidak asing lagi bagi kami, iaitu dapur! HAHA
menu 1st day of raye just mknan biase je.
-nasi impit, kuah kacang&satay goreng-
ah! bukak mate je aku da nmpk matahari menyinari bumi anbiya' ni. alamakkk, baru je stgh jam terlepas subuh! why not, mlm tu kalut nk siapkn stuff ntuk raye, aku pn xtahu bile mase aku terlelap. duhh! bangun tido tu trus ke bilik air and then solat. lepas tu kitorang bersiap2 nk pegi solat raye kt Masjid Musa kat Hayyu As-Sabi' anjuran Persekutuan Melayu Repulik Arab Mesir, (PMRAM). Nasib baik tak terlepas bas, ape tak nye, aku jemput akhawat 2 org untuk wakil group diorang untuk solat raye kat Hayyu As-Sabi', yg lain semua pegi solat raye kat Asrama Rakyat Malaysia Abbasiyyah [ARMA]. haha mujur lah sempat kejar bas. ape taknye, berlari-lari anak je. nk lari laju2 kang tertinggal plak akhawat tu. HAHAHA at last we made into the bus with my housemates. kitorang bertolak same2, naik bas awam je.ahaha then selepas solat raye, kitorang bergambar lah dengan senior2. eh eh bukan kitorang tp housemates aku yg bergambar. mane taknye, aku ni photographer. HAHA. aku sempat bergambar dgn abang aku je. HUHUHU pilunya hati ini. xD
oh ya, mase aku duk snapping pictures kat dlm masjid tu [buat muke x malu mcm aku jd photog team editorial skolah dulu.HAHA], ade la 2 pasang mate [sebb die pakai spec.HUHU] yg memerhati kemudian menghampiri aku seraya memulakan bicara sambil bersalaman;
"Assalamualaikum ustaz. Selamat Hari Raye".
haha sape la yg snap pic neh. tu gmbar aku time kene 'tangkap' ntuk jd photog PMERAM
[panggilan ustaz tu biase je even aku ni budak medic.HAHA bangge jap!;P] then die berkata mcm ni :
"ustaz, join team photographer kitorang (PMRAM) bleh tak? kitorang sebenarnya kekurangan photographer n gadget. saye tgk ustaz ade DSLR. ye la, kamera mcm ni org yg minat je yg beli, kalo x mint x de la smpai beli DSLR kan?"duhh, aku terkedu, terkejut, tersenyap sejejap.HAHA aku pn jawab;
"ustaz, ni bukn kamera saye. kwn saye punye, saye just pinjam dgn dia je...lagipun.."ustaz tu pun segera potong line aku nk bercerita panjang;
"takpe, nnt kalo kitorang [PMERAM] ade buat prog pape ke, ustaz dtg la join team photography kitorang."apeda!aku bingung sesaat. takkan nk tolak bodoh camtu je, nnt trase ati plak. aku tak bagi kata putus, tp aku bg phone number kt die.HAHA then aku blah je untuk bergambar.huahua xD
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lepas tu aku pegi beraye kat rumah negeri [Kelate!], punye la ramai org! depan rumah negeri tu ade la 3,4 org minah arab yg ntah pape baling mercun kt kitorang! bongok tol.HAHA lepas tu aku mulakan keja aku! HAHA amik gmbar situ sini, buat muke x malu.HAHAHA tersempak la dengan senior2 aku then diorang mesti cakap mcm yg maksudnye lebih kurang mcm ni;
"aloh la qua, xpuah lagi ko jadi redaksi?"aiya, apeda senior aku tu! :p kat rumah negeri tu aku tak ikut sgt program die, aku just bawa gadget ksygn aku [even bukn aku yg punye] ni ke sana ke mari.HAHA mcm lesen besar la plak kalo ade DSLR ni. org lain kene hambat masuk dlm dewan, tp aku tak. HAHAHA lepas tu aku dijamukan satay, aku share dgn org yg tidak dikenali je. mls ah nk bagi perut bodo ni kyg cepat2.HAHA
"weh la lokk, redaksi maahad pah ko mesir nah, banggo aku!"
"oloh hokni sore gak xleh tinggal nah kamera tuh, dr mudo sapa tuo.hahaha"
lepas tu aku pegi kat dewan kejap sebb ade persembahan nasyid oleh senior aku called abe juwe n 2 orang jejaka mane ntah HAHA.btw, masyaAllah, mantap wey!! lepas tu aku n juwe [aku pggil juwe je sebb dah terbiasa pggil mcm tu since kat bangku skolah lg even die tue 2,3 tahun dr aku HAHAHA] pegi rumah abg aku, nak rest. letih lah, dhla panas.
juwe [yg paling kiri] |
otw pegi rumah abg aku, aku beli air susu 'segar' kat kedai runcit tu. tp apeda punye kureng btol tok arab ni, die jual yg daa expired punye! aku tak prasan la plak! bazir je 6 pound aku! HAHAHA. then aku tertido kat rumah abg aku smbil tggu solat jumaat.
dari masjid Musa ke RKB. |
lepas solat jumaat, aku n abg pegi Cyber Cafe Azhar Net ntuk call family. HAHA punye la lame cakap, sampai panas tlinge aku. tp yg paling best, aku usik adik pmpuan aku smpai die nangis. HAHAHA
-the rest is history-
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on the second day
hari yg best.
that's the word!
thanks to all my housemates, my brother, seniors, and friends who were participating, came to eat, laugh & share.thanks lots!:]
the night before was very tiring. im almost exhausted because of preparing stuff n food for the open house. but Alhamdulillah, still, i made it. not by myself but helps from housemates n my brother.the menus were nasi impit, satay goreng, cocktail pudding, chocolate cakes, nasi bukhari, mulberry syrup and ribena.the wafts of nasi bukhari and satay were soooo great!HAHA
really thanks to ALL. the most unforgetable memories is being with the seniors. i thought they will come bout 10 people. i was shocked when there were almost 20 seniors who came to my house. what an euphoric day!:] shouts and laughs cause rowdiness as they just entered my house, i felt very lucky to have seniors who were always bring euphorias. plethoras of funny jokes they'd made.i laugh lots on this day, really exhilarating.but sorry to seniors also, my house is not too cavernous to be filled with you guys at one time. after they'd enjoyed their meals, Timbalan Yg Dipertua [TYDP] of Kelantan had asked me to arrange a simple "majlis taaruf" at the very moment.
hari yg best.
that's the word!
thanks to all my housemates, my brother, seniors, and friends who were participating, came to eat, laugh & share.thanks lots!:]
the night before was very tiring. im almost exhausted because of preparing stuff n food for the open house. but Alhamdulillah, still, i made it. not by myself but helps from housemates n my brother.the menus were nasi impit, satay goreng, cocktail pudding, chocolate cakes, nasi bukhari, mulberry syrup and ribena.the wafts of nasi bukhari and satay were soooo great!HAHA
satay goreng.selfmade :] |
acar timun.hehe |
nasi bukhari!selfmade too. hehe |
really thanks to ALL. the most unforgetable memories is being with the seniors. i thought they will come bout 10 people. i was shocked when there were almost 20 seniors who came to my house. what an euphoric day!:] shouts and laughs cause rowdiness as they just entered my house, i felt very lucky to have seniors who were always bring euphorias. plethoras of funny jokes they'd made.i laugh lots on this day, really exhilarating.but sorry to seniors also, my house is not too cavernous to be filled with you guys at one time. after they'd enjoyed their meals, Timbalan Yg Dipertua [TYDP] of Kelantan had asked me to arrange a simple "majlis taaruf" at the very moment.
it was a whim. HAHAHA i was the MC. (:
really funny to friends n seniors, they hav own bravuras to introduce themselves. we enjoyed it. then Abang Tope gave us some "wise words" tazkirah. He made lots of friends on this day.hehe my open house had been closed after isya'.
the last people who came were 3 people & representative of PMERAM. :] thanks ALL.
wslm wbt.
sharing is caring! |
the last people who came were 3 people & representative of PMERAM. :] thanks ALL.
come here with joy
bring the light not the lame
together we enjoy
ukhuwwah fillah is the aim.wslm wbt.
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