Friday, January 7, 2011

stalked soul.

in the name of Allah i begin :)   

by simplistic love it on Deviantart

silver lining, 
ray of light, 
of the golden sun  
and the cloudy clouds.   

freezing darkness,   
and bitter night.  
melancholy fights,  
to get its right. 

abandoned hour,  
unspoken words,  
inconsolable heart,  
and waterfall of tears.   

take me away,  
i dont want to see past days,  
fashback, it really hurts.  
spinning wheel,  
let me heal,  
just with time, also prays.

-Aqwa Diniy


  1. emotions
    comes and down
    don't be drowning with it
    patient is the best
    even it's hard..

    because it all about life
    never be easy
    to grab the happiness
    to success in fields
    that you involve and you love..

    just go for it
    grab everything you want
    for better future :)


i love hits!^^V

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